Research and Projects
- Scientific computing and numerical analysis of nonstationary, nonlinear, coupled PDE systems
- Incompressible flow (Navier-Stokes equations)
- Multiphysics (fluid-structure interaction, reactive flow, porous media, thermo-poroelasticity)
- CVIS: coupled variational inequality systems such as variational phase-field fracture
- Space-time formulations and discretization
- A posteriori error estimation and adaptivity
- Adaptive finite elements
- Predictor-corrector adaptivity
- Goal-oriented a posteriori error estimation
- Multiple quantities of interest
- Balancing discretization and iteration errors
- High-performance parallel computing including nonlinear solvers, linear solvers, preconditioners
- Numerical optimization and parameter estimation
- Design of algorithms and research software development (see also here)
♦Third-party funded projects:
- 08/2024-07/2026 (Hannover/Germany, Hamburg/Germany, University of Western Macedonia, Griechenland). Project coordinator.
Funding from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) for the project Goal-oriented anisotropic space-time mesh adaption (AIMASIM) - 10/2024-03/2027 (Hannover/Germany): Bewilligung von Mitteln im Förderprogramm Lehre zur Weiterentwicklung der Studiengänge an der LUH
- 02/2024-12/2024 (Hannover/Germany): Flexible Funds Funding from
1 doctoral researcher (~60000 EUR) - 01/2024 - 12/2027 (Magdeburg/Germany, coordinator Thomas Richter): Member of South-Americal Competence Center of Scientific Computing in Health and Climate (saCCC), financed by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
- 01/2024-12/2025 (Hannover/Germany): 3rd internal funding phase: Member of the cluster of excellence
1 doctoral researcher (~100000 EUR) - 10/2021 - 09/2023 (cotutelle thesis, Leibniz University Hannover-ENS Paris-Saclay University, Amelie Fau, Francois Hild, Thomas Wick): one PhD position (doctoral researcher), M. Samy Dray
- 04/2022 - 03/2025 (cotutelle thesis, Leibniz University Hannover-ENS Paris-Saclay University, Amelie Fau, Francois Hild, Thomas Wick): one PhD position (doctoral researcher, Viktor Kosin) funded by the Deutsch-Franzoesische Hochschule
- 04/2022-12/2023 (Hannover/Germany): 2nd internal funding phase: Member of the cluster of excellence
1 doctoral researcher (~100000 EUR) - 09/2021--2025 (Hannover/Germany member as PI): IRTG 2657 (funded by DFG) Computational Mechanics Techniques in High Dimensions (CoMeTeNd)
in collaboration with ENS Paris-Saclay
(2 doctoral researchers) - 10/2019-09/2022 (Hannover/Germany as PI): DFG Project with Ira Neitzel (Univ. Bonn) and
Winnifried Wollner (TU Darmstadt)
within the DFG-SPP 1962
Optimizing Fracture Propagation Using a Phase-Field Approach (~50000 EUR) - 03/2019-02/2023: Member of the Indo-German Higher Education Partnership 2019 - 2023, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Leibniz University Hannover - IIT Indore / Germany - India
- 01/2019-12/2022 (Magdeburg/Germany, coordinator Thomas Richter): Member of PeCCC (Peruvian Competence Center of Scientific Computing), Stärkung des Wissenschaftlichen Rechnens in der Lehre in Peru, financed by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
- 09/2019-03/2022 (Hannover/Germany): Member of the cluster of excellence
1 doctoral researcher (~150000 EUR) - 01/2019-31/2022 (Hannover/ecole normale superieure Paris-Saclay as participating scientist): Member of the French-German Doctoral College SNTA for Numerische Methoden zum Design von Strukturen, Materialien und Fertigungstechniken
- 04/2018-03/2021 (Hannover/Germany as PI): DFG Project with Mirjam Walloth and
Winnifried Wollner (both Darmstadt/Germany)
within the DFG-SPP 1748
Structure Preserving Adaptive Enriched Galerkin Methods for Pressure-Driven 3D Fracture Phase-Field Models (192000 EUR) - 08/2017 - 07/2020 (Linz/Austria as International Partner): FWF stand-alone project P-29181
Goal-Oriented Error Control for Phase-Field Fracture Coupled to Multiphysics Problems
(project leader change in Feb 2017 to Ulrich Langer) (238749 EUR) (gestartet am 1. Aug. 2017)
Project webpage - 10/2013-09/2014 (Austin/USA as PI): Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt foundation (48000 EUR)
♦Third-party grants for research and conferences:
- 2018 (UCL, UK): Research with Stefan Frei (supported by a grant from Eric Burman)
- 2017 (Austin/USA): J. Tinsley Oden Faculty Fellowship Research Program (2400 USD)
- 2016 (Heidelberg/Germany): HGS MathComp Heidelberg travel stipend (480 EUR)
- 2016 (Austin/USA): J. Tinsley Oden Faculty Fellowship Research Program (4800 USD)
- 2016 (Linz/Austria): FSI conference and winter school (8000 EUR)
- 2015 (Heidelberg/Germany): HGS MathComp Heidelberg travel stipend (500 EUR)
- 2015 (Ankara/Turkey): DAAD travel stipend (880 EUR)
- 2015 (Austin/USA): JTO Faculty Fellowship Research Program (2nd stay) (4000 USD)
- 2015 (Austin/USA): JTO Faculty Fellowship Research Program (1st stay) (6000 USD)
- 2015 (Singapor): Invitation to the department of mathematics (2000 USD)
- 2014 (Heidelberg/Germany): International Scientific Forum (1500 EUR)
- 2013 (Austin/USA): ICES Postdoc fellowship (60000 USD)
- 2013 (TU Munich/Germany): TUM Mobility Fellowship (1500 EUR)
- 2012 (Hanoi/Vietnam): DAAD travel stipend (1500 EUR)
- 2011 (Bruxelles/Belgium): Graduate Academy Heidelberg (1500 EUR)
- 2010 (Lisbon/Portugal): Graduate Academy Heidelberg (1500 EUR)
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