
Courses winter term 2024/2025

Dec 9-10, 2024 SaCCC Summer School and Workshop on Modeling and Numerics in Epidemiology: Classes on Ordinary Differential Equations
(Cali, Columbia)
Lecture notes (Dec 2024)

Nov 18, 2024 Modeling, Discretization, Solvers, Optimization, and Simulation of Multiphysics Problems
(in English)
(ENS Paris-Saclay, France)
Lecture notes (Nov 2024)

WS 24/25 Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
(in English)
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Lecture notes (Jan 2022)

WS 24/25 Numerical methods for algorithmic systems and neural networks
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
Lecture notes (March 2022)

WS 24/25 Seminar Numerische Modellierung von gewoehnlichen Differentialgleichungen
(Leibniz University Hannover)
WS 24/25 Oberseminar Numerik und Optimierung
together with Sven Beuchler and Marc Steinbach

Courses summer term 2024

Jul 21, 2024 WCCM 2024 Short Course WS24-01: Modeling, Discretization, Optimization, and Simulation of Phase-Field Fracture Problems
Link Lecture/Schedule
Link Outline plus links
Link Skriptum

SS 2024 Numerische Mathematik II (Numerik GDGL, Eigenwerte) (LUH)
SS 2024 Seminar Numerische Methoden II
(Leibniz University Hannover)
SS 2024 Seminar Finite Element Programming Course in C++ and deal.II
(Leibniz University Hannover)
SS 2024 Oberseminar Numerik und Optimierung
gemeinsam mit Sven Beuchler und Marc Steinbach

Courses winter term 2023/2024

Nov 10, 2023 Mini lecture: Phase-field fracture modeling and FE simulation
(Research Training Group GRK 2423 FRASCAL, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, Exercises Denis Khimin, Leon Kolditz, Viktor Kosin)
Link Lecture
Link Skriptum

WS 23/24 Numerische Mathematik I
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Vorlesungsgrundlage/Buch (Dec 2017)

WS 23/24 Space-time methods (in english)
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
Plan (Sep 2023)
Lecture notes (Aug 2023)

WS 23/24 Seminar Numerische Methoden
(Leibniz University Hannover)
WS 23/24 Oberseminar Numerik und Optimierung
gemeinsam mit Sven Beuchler und Marc Steinbach

Courses summer term 2023

Sep 11, 2023 deal.II crash course
(Leibniz Universität Hannover, together with Hendrik Fischer)
Link Workshop
Link slides

Jun 29, 2023 Uncertainty quantification applied to phase-field fracture (in english)
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Guest lecture at IBNM)
Jun 06, 2023
Aug 08, 2023
Function spaces and functional framework
(IRTG 2657, Leibniz Universität Hannover and Paris-Saclay University)
Lecture notes


Courses winter term 2022/2023

WS 22/23 Algorithmische Mathematik
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
WS 22/23 Numerical methods for phase-field fracture problems
(in English)
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
WS 22/23 Oberseminar Numerik und Optimierung
gemeinsam mit Sven Beuchler und Marc Steinbach
WS 22/23 Refresher course in maths and a project on numerical modeling done in twos (MAP502)
(Ecole Polytechnique)
together with Samuel Amstutz

Courses summer term 2022

Sep 26-30, 2022 Spring School on Introduction to Scientific Computing (Cusco, Peru)
together with several colleagues; please see homepage
SoSe22 Numerical methods for continuum mechanics (in english)
für BA Mathematik / Wahlpflicht Master Mathematik
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
SoSe22 Space-time methods, goal-oriented error control and adaptivity (in english)
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
SoSe22 Seminar: Numerical methods for digital volume correlation (Wick/Dray)
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
SoSe22 Seminar: Numerical methods for phase-field methods (Wick/Dray)
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
SoSe22 Oberseminar Numerik und Optimierung
gemeinsam mit Sven Beuchler und Marc Steinbach

Courses winter term 2021/2022

WS 21/22 Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
(in English)
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Lecture notes (Jan 2022)

WS 21/22 Numerical methods for algorithmic systems and neural networks
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
WS 21/22 Oberseminar Numerik und Optimierung
together with Sven Beuchler and Marc Steinbach

Courses summer term 2021

SoSe21 Numerical methods for coupled variational inequality systems
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Main contents from book (Oct 2020)

SoSe21 FEM-C++-Programming in deal.II
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Link to deal.II
Class also part of PeCCC

SoSe21 Seminar: Space-time finite element methods for partial differential equations
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
SoSe21 Oberseminar Numerik und Optimierung
gemeinsam mit Sven Beuchler und Marc Steinbach

Courses winter term 2020/2021

Jan 2021 Interface Problems (Modeling and joint cloud computing)
WCCM-ECCOMAS Paris online, CSMA Junior section workshop

WS 20/21 Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Service class for engineering (in English)
International open class (IntNumPDE)
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Lecture notes (Jan 2020)
Class also part of PeCCC

WS 20/21 Algorithmische Mathematik
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Vorlesungsgrundlage/Buch (Dec 2017)

WS 20/21 Seminar: Adaptive Verfeinerungen und Fehlerschätzer (gemeinsam mit Sven Beuchler)
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
WS 20/21 Oberseminar Numerik und Optimierung
gemeinsam mit Sven Beuchler und Marc Steinbach

Courses summer term 2020

SS 2020 Numerische Methoden der Kontinuumsmechanik
für BA Mathematik / Wahlpflicht Master Mathematik
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Skriptum (Stand November 2019)
Skriptum IIT Indore (Feb 2020)

SS 2020 Numerische Methoden fuer Algorithmische Systeme und neuronale Netze
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
SS 2020 Algorithmisches Programmieren
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
SS 2020 Oberseminar Numerik und Optimierung
gemeinsam mit Sven Beuchler und Marc Steinbach

Winter/Autumn schools Feb - March 2020

Feb 10-12, 2020 Optimization of large and dynamic systems and modeling, discretization, optimization and simulation of multiphysics problems
(IIT Indore)
together with Marc Steinbach (LUH)

Courses winter term 2019/2020

WS 19/20 Goal-oriented a posteriori error estimation and adaptive finite elements
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
WS 19/20 Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen (NumPDE)
für BA Mathematik / Wahlpflicht Master Mathematik
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Lecture notes (November 2019)

WS 19/20 Finite-Elemente-Programmierpraktikum (C++)
WS 19/20 Oberseminar Numerik und Optimierung
gemeinsam mit Sven Beuchler und Marc Steinbach

PeCCC spring school Oct 2019 in Lima (Peru)

Oct 23-31 Spring School on the Introduction on Numerical Modelling of Differential Equations
together with Peter Bastian (Heidelberg), Ole Klein (Heidelberg), Robin Görmer (Hannover), Philipp Thiele (Hannover)
Online materials:

Courses summer term 2019

June 2019 Summer school class on phase field modeling
(Hasselt University, Belgium)
SS 2019 Numerische Mathematik II (Numerik GDGL, Eigenwerte)
SS 2019 Numerische Verfahren (Seminar)
SS 2019 Oberseminar Numerik und Optimierung
gemeinsam mit Sven Beuchler und Marc Steinbach

Courses winter term 2018/2019

WS 18/19 Algorithmisches Programmieren
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
WS 18/19 Numerische Mathematik I
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
WS 18/19 Numerik A
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
WS 18/19 Numerical methods for contact problems: application to variational phase-field fracture propagation
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
WS 18/19 Oberseminar Numerik und Optimierung
gemeinsam mit Sven Beuchler und Marc Steinbach
WS 18/19 Numerical modeling (exclusivement pour STEEM) - MAP502
(Ecole Polytechnique)
Link to STEEM at l'X

Courses summer term 2018

SS 2018 Numerische Methoden für nichtlineare und gekoppelte Probleme
SS 2018 Numerische Verfahren (Seminar)
SS 2018 Finite-Elemente-Programmierpraktikum (C++)
SS 2018 Oberseminar Numerik und Optimierung
together with Sven Beuchler und Marc Steinbach

Spring class 2018

Mar 2018 Numerical methods for variational phase-field fracture problems
(JKU Linz)

Courses winter term 2017/2018

WS 17/18 Numerik A
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
WS 17/18 Algorithmisches Programmieren
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
WS 17/18 Numerik Partieller Differentialgleichungen
(Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
WS 17/18 Numerical modeling (exclusivement pour STEEM) - MAP502
(Ecole Polytechnique)
Link to STEEM at l'X

Courses in the academic year Sep 2016 - Aug 2017

WS 16/17 Optimal design of structures - MAP562
(with Grégoire Allaire)

(Ecole Polytechnique)
WS 16/17 Petites classes PC 2 and PC 10 of the lecture Approximation numérique et optimisation - MAP411 de Grégoire Allaire
(Ecole Polytechnique)
WS 16/17 Numerical modeling (exclusivement pour STEEM) - MAP502
(Ecole Polytechnique)
Link to STEEM at l'X
Fall 2016 Numerical methods and adaptivity for multiphysics phase-field fracture
(University of Stuttgart)
Link to COMMAS summer school 2016
Fall 2016 Master M2 Optimierung
(Ecole Polytechnique)
with Gregoire Allaire, Antonin Chambolle
Link Master M2 to UPMC
Link Master M2 to Ecole Polytechnique

Previous teaching   (Summer 2016 back to Winter 2005/06)


Winter 15/16 Numerical methods for fluid-structure interaction (JKU Linz)
Summer 2015 Numerical methods for fluid-structure interaction (TUM München) Info
Summer 2015 Analysis 2 - Elektrotechnik (TUM München)
Summer 2012 Einführung in die Numerik (Heidelberg, with T. Richter)

♦Compact and software classes:

November 2014 Winter School on Simulation and Optimization of Extreme Fluids with Focus on Fluid-Structure Interaction pdf
August 2014 Overview and introduction to deal.II
Feb 21-25, 2011 Goal-Oriented Adaptivity in the Finite Element Method for PDEs (R. Rannacher),
ACPDE Feb 7 - Mar 5, 2011 in Goa/India
Summer 2010 Introduction deal.II (together with B. Janssen)
Summer 2010 Introduction to Matlab for numerical mathematics (M. Schmich)

♦Group seminar:

Apr - May 2016 Group seminar in fluid-structure interaction Info

♦Plenary exercises:

Winter 10/11 Numerical analysis (T. Richter)
Summer 2010 Analysis II (with W. Wollner) (R. Rannacher)

♦Teaching assistant to the following lectures:

Winter 11/12 Optimization with PDEs (Th. Carraro)
Winter 10/11 Numerical analysis (Th. Richter)
Winter 09/10 Numerical methods for ODEs (Th. Carraro)
Summer 2009 Introduction to numerical analysis (Th. Carraro)
Summer 2008 Approximation theory (F.-J. Delvos)
Summer 2008 Linear algebra I (J. Fricke)
Winter 07/08 Linear algebra I (T. Overhagen)
Summer 2007 Linear algebra II (F.-J. Delvos)
Winter 06/07 Linear algebra I (F.-J. Delvos)
Summer 2006 Linear algebra II (F.-J. Delvos)
Winter 05/06 Introduction to numerical analysis (F.-J. Delvos)

♦Supervision of participants to the following seminars:

Winter 2011 Numerical mathematics
(R. Rannacher, T. Richter)
Summer 2011 Numerical mathematics
(R. Rannacher, T. Richter)
Summer 2010 Numerical mathematics: ODEs and Optimal Control
(R. Rannacher, T. Richter)

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